automated system of state land cadastre Ukraine (AU DZKU), geographic information systems (GIS), software ArcGIS Serve, GIEWS monitoring system, "Digitals", "HEOPROEСT", "Invent- Grad", GIS "Map"Abstract
The information analysis on legal, natural and economic land condition, which includes the state land cadaster, shows that their production, processing and systematization is accompanied by involving large amount of digital data. Especially noticeable increases the amount of such data in the land evaluation work performance, during which the scales for assembly soil quality and land subject economic valuation to massive mathematical processing statistical data on the soils natural properties and land use economic indicators. That’s why, the introduction of the only automated system of Ukraine’s state land cadaster (AS DZKU) with using modern GIS technologies provide the opportunity to more effectively manage land resources. Methods: GIS provides the design and analysis of a large number of variants of design solutions, creation recommendatory and management maps for regions, which makes it possible to find the most optimal ecological-economic assessment of measures to territory organization and land protection of newly formed agrostructures. The current field works are conducted by surveying electronic devices means. Processing of field measurements is performed by using specialized GIS software such as “Digitals”, “GEOPROJECT” “Invent-Grad” GIS “Map”. Discussion: The practical use of these means has shown, that better to use in solving land management projects. Therefore, the use of aerial photographs is better to use “Digitals”. “GEOPROJECT” is better to apply. If the land area is not exceeding 5.10 hectares. The program “Invent-Grad” has a very precise mathematical unitReferences
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