
  • Р. В. Кірчук Lutsk National Technical University,
  • В. Ф. Дідух Lutsk National Technical University,
  • В. В. Сацюк Lutsk National Technical University,


modeling, oil production, soybeans, moisture, temperature, coefficient of incision, evaporation area, effective radius, intensification of the drying process


The research is based on the modern scientific believes as to the description of convectional drying on the basis of heat and mass transfer equiation. In order to intensify soy drying process to obtain oil, it is proposed to cut the soy bean surface. Such deformation reduces evaporization intencivity, and energy losses during drying. The article provides the mathematic model of dewatering of the soy bean taking into account the bean preparation before drying. The result analysis is provided supported with the experimental findings

Author Biographies

Р. В. Кірчук, Lutsk National Technical University

PhD, Assositate Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering Machine-building faculty

В. Ф. Дідух, Lutsk National Technical University

Dr.Sc. (Technics), Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering Machine-building faculty

В. В. Сацюк, Lutsk National Technical University

PhD, Assositate Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering Machine-building faculty


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How to Cite

Кірчук, Р. В., Дідух, В. Ф., & Сацюк, В. В. (2017). MODELING OF ENERGY SAVING METHODS OF SOYBEANS DRYING. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 158–168. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences