
  • А. Г. Дзюбайло Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Drohobych,
  • В. М. Сеньків Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Drohobych,
  • Л. Є. Андрейко Institute of Carpathian Region Agriculture NAAS Obroshyno,
  • М. І. Головчук Institute of Carpathian Region Agriculture NAAS Obroshyno,


spring wheat, cultivar, sowing norms, fertilizer, seed treatment, productivity of cultivar


The article presents the results of studies on the impact of the biological characteristics for the cultivar and sowing rates on structural indicators wheat crop (harvest), and the impact of fertilizer and seed treatment with Diazofit combined with planrys and fosforomobilizator on the productivity of spring wheat in the Precarpathians. Experimental work was carried out at the experimental plot in the village Lishnya at the Institute of Carpathian region Agriculture NAAS for three years on sod-podzolic, gley surface, moderately acidic, loamy soil, which arable (0-20 cm) layer is characterized by the following agrochemical indexes of fertility: humus content (by Turin) - 2.2%, pH of salt extract - 4,8-5,1, hydrolytic acidity - 3,6-4,0 amount of absorbed bases - 7,1-11,6 mEq/100 g of soil, mobile phosphorus (by Kirsanov) - 68-72 and exchangeable potassium (by Kirsanov) - 80-84 mg/1 kg of soil. The research was carried out by conventional methods. Agricultural technology for the experimental field was common to this region except the elements studied. It was found during the research that sowing periods and sowing norms are significantly influence the field germination, survival of plants, the leaf surface formation, photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis productivity and, finally, on the spring wheat yield. Some positive impact on field seed germination, survival of plants during the growing season, leaf surface area and yield of spring wheatseed treatment was combined with diazofit planrys and fosforomobilizator, especially against the background of NPK-compound N60P60K60.

Author Biographies

А. Г. Дзюбайло, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Drohobych

Dr. Science (Agric.), Professor

В. М. Сеньків, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Drohobych

PhD (Technic.) Associate Professor

Л. Є. Андрейко, Institute of Carpathian Region Agriculture NAAS Obroshyno

Doctoral Student

М. І. Головчук, Institute of Carpathian Region Agriculture NAAS Obroshyno

Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Дзюбайло, А. Г., Сеньків, В. М., Андрейко, Л. Є., & Головчук, М. І. (2016). FORMATION OF SPRING WHEAT PRODUCTIVITY DEPENDING ON SOWING RATE, FERTILIZATION AND SEED TREATMENT IN PRECARPATHIAN. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 1(24), 62–68. Retrieved from