
  • Н. В. Букалова Bilotserkivskiy National Agrarian University,


sarcocystis, the infestation intensity, half-carcasses of slaughtered animals, safety, flora


This research is implemented in order to determine a necessity of additions to the «Rules of antemortal meat veterinary inspection and meat products» was approved by the State Department of Ukraine Veterinary Medicine decree on 07.06.2002, reg. № 28 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 21.06.2002, reg. № 524/6812. It was established that the livestock products were received from the animals effected by sacrocysts depending on the invasion intensity had the worst organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of meat, a low nutritional and biological value. These products are the potential source of a food poisoning for people due to the presence of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora. It was proved a bacteriological necessity research of the half-carcasses affected by sarcocysts for a detection of the toxigenic microorganisms. It was based on the research data the veterinary and sanitary assessment ways of improvement of the slaughtered animals’ carcasses for sarkocystosis were proposed

Author Biography

Н. В. Букалова, Bilotserkivskiy National Agrarian University

PhD (Veterinary) Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Букалова, Н. В. (2016). SANITARY ASSESTMENT IMPROVEMENT OF THE CATTLE HALFBEEF AFFECTED BY SARKOTSYSTS. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 1(24), 26–32. Retrieved from