
  • Д. В. Вільчинська State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,
  • Е. В. Добровольська State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,


agricultural mechanics, Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, agricultural machinery, agriculture, plant growing, agricultural engineering


Agricultural mechanics is the fundamental and theoretical basis for the development and operation of technical means in agriculture. Without its development, it is impossible to create world-class machines and equipment for the agro-industrial complex. The main task of present study was to determine the сcurrent development of scientific support of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine. The application of historical principles (historicism, objectivity) and methods, in particular, historical-system, bibliographic, statistical and source analysis are the important ways to solve the problem. The authors has shown that the Department of Agriculture, Melioration and Mechanization of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine is engaged in the scientific provision of the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine at present and the National Scientific Center «Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine directly deals with scientific and practical developments in this direction. The article reflects the main Institute achievements in the 21st century and the further problems and prospects in the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine. The materials of this study can either be used in the educational process on such courses as «History of Science and Technology», «History of Ukraine», «Agriculture», «History of Agricultural Science», «Agricultural Mechanics» or for the writing of industry textbooks, teaching aids, reference books of dictionaries, encyclopedias and the like

Author Biographies

Д. В. Вільчинська, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

PhD (Agriculture), Assistant Professor Department of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Systems in Agroindustrial Complex

Е. В. Добровольська, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

PhD (in Economics), Associate Professor Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchanges


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How to Cite

Вільчинська, Д. В., & Добровольська, Е. В. (2017). SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS IN UKRAINE IN THE XXI CENTURY (REVIEW). Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 120–125. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences