
  • Е. Б. Алієв National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • В. М. Яропуд Vinnytsia National Agrarian University,
  • О. С. Гаврильченко PhD, Associate Professor Department of Mechanization of Production Processes in Animal Husbandry,
  • А. В. Драчов Dnieper State Agrarian and Economic University,


model, theoretical studies, vane, seeds, vibro batcher, motion


Today, the most common for dispensing bulk materials are vibratory dosing devices. They have a different purpose and, accordingly, a different design. The developed design of the vibrator has a wide range of applications in agro-industrial production, starting with the dosing of feed components and ending with the separation of seed flows for a photoelectric separator. The aim of the research is the development of a physics-mathematical model of the movement of seeds along the vane of the vibro batcher drum. In the process of research, elements of analytic geometry and methods of classical mechanics were used. A method was chosen to determine the position of one seed at a certain time, starting from the equations of classical mechanics. As a result of analytical studies, a physics-mathematical model of the movement of seeds along the drum blade has been developed, according to which the dependence of the rate of seed movement on the module of its radius vector for different values of the drum rotation frequency has been established

Author Biographies

Е. Б. Алієв, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Head of the department Department of technical and technological support of seed production Institute of Oilseeds

В. М. Яропуд, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of agricultural machines

О. С. Гаврильченко, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Mechanization of Production Processes in Animal Husbandry

Dnieper State Agrarian and Economic University

А. В. Драчов, Dnieper State Agrarian and Economic University

Master Student


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How to Cite

Алієв, Е. Б., Яропуд, В. М., Гаврильченко, О. С., & Драчов, А. В. (2017). PHYSICO-MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF MOVEMENT OF SEEDS ON VIBRO BATCHER DRUMS LEAVE. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 97–104. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences