
  • Т. С. Ящук Ternopil State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of feed and agriculture of Podillya of NAAS,


red polish breed, cattle, selection, breeding, genetic potential, genetic pool


The basic historical aspects of cross-breed selection of red Polish breed on the territory of Ukraine are highlighted in the paper. The methods of retrospective analysis and variable-based statistics are used in the study. It has been found that the red cattle that is being bred in the western regions of Ukraine, was developed in the result of the improving the local (red Polish) by frequent afflux of red Latvian, Estonian, English and Danish red breed blood. The remains of the red Danish livestock are concentrated primarily in Ternopil and Volyn regions. The obtained results make it possible to develop the strategies for maintaining and improving the existing mixed bred cattle of both integral taxonomic and economically-valuable unit for further usage in the selection process. It will provide genetic progress of the breed and high genetic potential of its productivity

Author Biography

Т. С. Ящук, Ternopil State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of feed and agriculture of Podillya of NAAS

PhD (Agriculture), Director


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How to Cite

Ящук, Т. С. (2017). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF POLISH RED MIXED BRED CATTLE GROWING IN UKRAINE. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 73–81. Retrieved from http://pb.pdatu.edu.ua/article/view/134124



Agricultural Sciences