
  • І. А. Бєлко State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Ukraine


management, organizational development, change, re-engineering of business processes


Organizational development is defined as long-term; thorough; comprehensive process of change and development of organizations and working people in it. The purpose of the changes is to simultaneously increase productivity and quality of work. The article deals with the concept of organizational development as a system of ideas and concepts; defining the purpose of the operation; the relationship between subject and object; between workers of subsystems; and the nature of relationships between the individual links in the organizational structure and management relations within the broader relationships - with the environment. An important element of implementing the concept of organizational development is a combination of the appropriate strategy development management organizational structure of training procedures that can work within the new organization as organizational management structure is necessary but not sufficient condition for the effective functioning of the organization. The result of the study is to compare the concepts of organizational development; business process reengineering. It is noted that the quality of the implementation of organizational development is largely determined by how fully realized and proven content and the need for organizational change; which in turn depends on the training of employees to work in new conditions. Such principles can be implemented methods of self (and control) as well as elements of "management based on participation" in the part relating to the active development of proposals to improve the process of organizational development. It is proposed to develop mechanism for organizational development and business process reengineering; change management methods as in companies that require unity of performers and leaders in conducting changes; quality management personnel and staff involved in vigorous action to amend; business processes with outputs corresponding client goals and objectives of business; information technology as a condition of radical changes that are going to meet the needs of the business to implement the initiative.

Author Biography

І. А. Бєлко, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

applicant Department of Management, public management and administration


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How to Cite

Бєлко, І. А. (2017). ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND PROSPECTS OF THE ENTERPRISES. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(26), 94–104. Retrieved from