apple plant, chemical plant protection, physicochemical properties, electrical dipole moment, dangerous level of pesticides, agroecotoxicological indexAbstract
Rresearch agroecological risk of pesticide’s usage in the system of apple pest protection in the conditions of South-Western Ukrainian Forest Steppe. The used pesticides physicochemical properties were characterized by polarity. The potential hazard level of chemical pesticides was observed for man and biota according to the integral classification of pesticides by dangerous level of their usage. We examine exotoxicology hazard of pesticides usage was determined according to the agroecotoxicological index (AETI); which is considered the pesticides features; their seasonal pressure and the areas capacity to self- purification. According to the investigation results; these pesticides are non-polar as per polarity with the value of dipole moment μ from 0 to 2 Debye and low- polarity value of electrical dipole moment μfrom 2 to 6 Debye. So; the pest’s rate of detoxication in plants and soil depends upon the value of dipole moment of pesticide compound; so the non-polar pesticides decay in agrocenosis sometimes slowly tthan low-polar. The investigated pesticide assortment are rather dangerous preparations with the dangerous level -4-5; less dangerous with the level of dangerous 6 and dangerous with hazard class -3. The design values of agroecological hazards of pesticide usage are the results of study. It witnesses that the investigated protected system is a system of the highest dangerous; It is necessary to add for the system’s improving the non-polar pesticides with the dangerous level 3; and to use the low-polar pesticides with dangerous levels 4-7. As a final result it will come to decrease of pressure on agrocenosis and environment.References
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