The Demographic Threat of Rural Development in Ukraine


  • І. А. Цвігун Head of Department of Information Technology State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Ukraine


demographical threats, birth-rate, mortality, depopulation, aing, rural area


Estimation of demographic situation in rural area and determination of basic demographical threats; that stipulates development`s worsening of rural area. Theoretical basis of research is scientific work of native researchers in exploring issue. The informational basis is data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine. In working process general scientific methods and techniques: formal logic method; statistical analysis method – for rural area`s demographic situation research; abstract logic technique – for substantiation of theoretical thesis and conclusion formulation were used in the paper. The analysis of demographic situation in villages of Ukraine is realized in article on the basis of state statistical information. The results of the study show that rural area development`s worsening leading demographic threats are low birth rate; high mortality; migration; worsening of sex-age-rated structure of population; their ageing and high depopulation. Integrated research of demographical situation of rural population of Ukraine and adjusted basic demographical threats; that are attached today to rural population and proposed demographic indexes; attainment of that will allow to hold up depopulation of population and villages extinction is given in the paper. Basic demographical development threats of rural area of Ukraine are adjusted. Demographical indexes liminal values; attainment of that will allow to improve demographic situation of rural area are proposed.

Author Biography

І. А. Цвігун, Head of Department of Information Technology State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Dr.Sc.(in Economics), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Цвігун, І. А. (2016). The Demographic Threat of Rural Development in Ukraine. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (25), 171–179. Retrieved from